OK, It has been well over a month since I posted, lets see what been going on
My office computer died. I think it is the power supply, or the power good signal from the processor. Anyway, M gave me hers, she had upgraded to a transportable laptop. Saved some bucks there! Got back up and running in short order by just switching the hard drives and video card over. Had problems with video until I realized she had a different video card than I did, switched them and all was well.
The WS washer on the truck has never worked since I have had it, two years now. Battery acid had dripped down over the pump and pretty much dissolved the plastic. Had to remove the battery to get to it. had some problems with the connectors, and blew a fuse, and also broke a little 1/4 inch plastic line. Repaired it with drip irrigation line I had. Cheap Fix. Now I can see to drive!
More work on the RV. Installed a 120V outlet in the basement for the air compressor. That will come in handy! Also built a new Mag. Rack for the slide unit. Looks and works great! Also built a under mount Keyboard tray for M.
More on the RV engine Misfire. Drove to LV mid May for a test drive. Had a few misfires on the way, and had misfire code for Cyl #1. Reset before driving home. Got werid codes on the way home. I put dielectric grease on the coil connections this time. Went over everything again. This time we went to Laughlin for a test drive. Ran great for sixty some miles, then ran bad as ever. This time I put dielectric grease on everything! Drove to S. Rim for test drive this time. Still ran bad. While we were there, I replaced Cyl#1's coil with the old one from Cyl #2 while keeping the new boot. Drove home, one hundred miles, and no misfires! Here's to hoping I have found the Fix!!!
OBTW, got my geezer pass while at the S. Rim!