Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Appalachian Trail in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (C) Harold Dossett, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

MRMs (Meals Ready to Mail)

Working this week on MRMs (Meals Ready to Mail).  Looks like I have about eight drops of six meals each, with around 3,000 calories per.  Lots of repacking and sealing.  Each drop weighs it at about 9.3 pounds.  I added one of those to my pack today for my first training hike with a backpack.  The backpack also had my sleeping bag, pad and tent and came in at 9.3 pounds also.  It was the first time I had actually weight my base gear together.  Was very pleased with it as my goal was to be under ten pounds. 

So, with 18.6 pounds, I did my four mile training hike which is just 1.5 miles and back, but I looped on the one short hill section and extra four times to make it four miles total.  I was surprised that I did it in the same time as without the pack, one hour and ten minutes, but I am lots more tired.  I have been doing four mile every other day for a couple of weeks now.

My old dumb phone died last week, or maybe I killed it, anyway we each ordered new touch screen phone, not real smart phone, but, not really dumb either, and are going to give Tracfone a try.  If it works out it will be lots cheaper.  Will activate them on Monday, or maybe Tuesday due to Presidents Day.  Mine has Wi-Fi and will not be so bad on batteries as my Nexus 7 for checking e-mail and such.  It also has camera so I can take grainy low light photos and post them on FaceBook. I think there must be a rule of some kind on FB that requires that!  (It’s a joke, people, don’t get upset,)

All for now, I’m tired!


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