Destination: Sassafrass Gap Shelter
Starting Location: NOC
Today's Miles: 6.90 Trip Miles: 132.32
Tee shirt hiking, sure sign of spring! |
Another sign of spring! |
View of NOC from the trail. |
Lots of hikers stayed at the NOC ( Nantahala Outdoor Center a commercial outdoor recreation center) for hiker a fest as there would be free food and displays of gear and a free gear repair tent. I decided to move on, and the this shelter is as far as I can go. I started the day with a good breakfast at the Rivers Edge restaurant and that really helped.
Six point nine miles strait up! 3,000 feet elevation gain! Like being trapped on a down escalator and couldn't get off and had to keep going up or get swished! Good training for the Smokies, I guess.
Alone in the shelter for the night. Frenchie (Frencb/Canadian) is here but set up his tent. He said he sent 12 pounds home yesterday to lighten his pack from fifty something pounds. He had been a scout leader and the standard for them was one third of their body weight for their packs. He said he weighted one hundred and eighty pounds and figured he could carry sixty pounds. Wrong! Guess that did not account for all of the climbs and over 2,000 miles! He mentioned the heavy sandals he had been using for camp shoes and I showed him my $9.00 Walmart Crocs knockoffs that are almost weightless. He said he would most definitely find as pair, even if he had to get the name brand. This is what most hikers were using for camp shoes.
"All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost" -J.R.R. Tolkien
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