Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Appalachian Trail in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (C) Harold Dossett, 2013

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Do I need a new Multimeter? Yes I do!

A few days ago...

I have had this Radio Shack 22-166B digital multimeter for about 30 years and it has served me well in that time...  until now!  A few days I turned it on and got no response.  Using a freebie Harbor Freight meter, the batteries and fuse tested good.  So I took it apart and acted like I knew what I was doing and all looked well so I put it back together and started searching the net for a new one.

I went back to look at it and noticed the batteries (2xAA, side by side) had both (+) on one end and (-) on the other and that just did not look right.  Only one of the battery positions was marked and I had recently replaced the batteries.  I reversed the one in the unmarked side  and the meter started to work and I even uses it for a while.  

Next morning I was checking something and got very weird readings, so I turned it off, checked the batteries , which were OK, and the fuse showed 3 ohms with my HF meter.  From that point  I could not get it to turn on, or at least no indications on the readout.  I have new fuses on the way.

Did it just die, or, did I kill it?  And, can it be revived?

If it's dead, I need a new one, Under $100 .  Looking at this one at Home Depot online

Any one know this one, is it a good one.  I seldom use one and then only use it for gereral household and auto type maintenance.  Any other suggestions?  The HF one just wont cut it, even for me!

Fast forward to present...

This morning I took the RS unit apart once more just to see what I could see.  Seems the LCD screen unit connection is a press fit type.  I have never seen this before.   The PCB and LCD just press together.  

 So I put it back together trying to fit it correctly and the LCD did come on, readings are still wacky.  Then I banged it with my hand a few time and the wackiness changed each time until it went blank, never to show a number again.  Guess I really screwed it up this time, and a new meter is in my near future.

And, just to keep the irony gods happy, my new fuses came in today!!

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